Welcome to our Frequently Asked Questions section!
What are the basic teachings of TSOP?
The proven way to reach the world is to train all so they may return to their own lands or others, where they are readily accepted, to teach the Gospel message of salvation, and establish and/or strengthen the church that Jesus built.
The bible is the only inspired written revelation of God for mankind.
The doctrine of Christ as presented in the New Testament is taught as a high priority.
TSOP exalts Christ as the head of the church He built
(Matthew 16:18 ~ "And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not [a]prevail against it")
and adds all obedient souls to it
(Acts 2:47 ~ "praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added [a]to the church daily those who were being saved").​
Where do students live/stay?
Students reside in a separate male and female dormitory in San Fernando, Trinidad and Tobago and is overseen by the Dormitory Supervisor who lives on site.
What type of financial support does the school provide to students?
TSOP may provide monthly subsistence aid to students from time to time however this is subject to a number of factors.
(Usually sponsored by Regional and US churches who send monthly student support via donations to the Trinidad School of Preaching.)
What can I do with this learning?
For men:
Some are trained for full-time personal and public ministry
Others are trained for part-time ministry
For women:
Some are trained for full-time personal and public women's & children's ministry
Others are trained for part-time women's & children's ministry
What does the degree entail?
In the first 2-years an intensive Bible curriculum with emphasis on personal evangelism is taught. In the third year the student completes their program through the Bear Valley Bible Institute.​​
Is TSOP registered with the Ministry of Education in Trinidad and Tobago?
It is registered as a private school and is allowed to accommodate up to 20 students at the church of Christ building in San Fernando. (Registration No. 719)
What are the application deadlines?
General applications end on August 21st 2022 however if a specific course is requested for a congregation the deadlines will vary.​​
What are the student's school fees?
There are no school fees for students however students are required to obtain their study text and other material to support their learning. (A list will be provided upon registration).

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